Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thoughts About Sugar and Why It Is Not Your Friend

Back when I was in college, I read "Sugar Blues" by William Duffy (and not by candlelight -- we had electricity, even way back then!). Ever since, I've been leery of sweets. There have been plenty of other books written on the subject and in theory the debate about whether or not sugar is good or bad rages on. I say "in theory" because the sugar and corn (makers of high fructose corn syrup) industries have powerful lobbies in Washington and there are literally billions of dollars involved. All this makes it tougher to sort fact from fiction.

So to make things easier, let's reframe the issue and put aside arguments about overall health. Instead, let's focus on weight loss -- something most of the nation is concerned about. Simply put:

If you're trying to lose weight, sugar is not your friend.

Don't take my word for it. Here's a great little summary from the Washington Post's Lean Plate Club with some excellent food for thought.

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